"Hydromarine" AD is a contractor of specialized
underwater activities, construction and reconstruction of
hydraulic facilities and construction of
engineering infrastructure.
"Hydromarine" AD is a contractor of specialized
underwater activities, construction and reconstruction of
hydraulic facilities and construction of
engineering infrastructure.
The Underwater Construction Corporation strives to provide the best possible commercial diving services, including inspection, maintenance and repair, construction and rehabilitation, and technical support services.
Our services reduce residence time, increase budgets and run effectively with lasting results. Our clients represent a wide range of industries, including: water supply, electricity and gas transmission, engineering, mining, pipelines and internal security.
We are confident in providing a very high standard for our services, performed by highly qualified and capable diving teams. Our team has prepared at the highest level of equipment, techniques and systems necessary for the successful provision of our services.
Our commitment to customer service, quality and safety has earned us a good reputation and set us apart from other diving trading companies in the country. Our advance planning and attention to detail have also made the underwater construction corporation a leader in the diving industry.
Safety is paramount for us. We qualify and exceed the requirements for safe work and health in the work environment. In addition, all of our divers are certified as commercial divers and maintain current first aid and CPR certificates.
The Underwater Construction Corporation strives to provide the best possible commercial diving services, including inspection, maintenance and repair, construction and rehabilitation, and technical support services.
Our services reduce residence time, increase budgets and run effectively with lasting results. Our clients represent a wide range of industries, including: water supply, electricity and gas transmission, engineering, mining, pipelines and internal security.
We are a leading company in the field of ROV services. Our team includes highly qualified ROV managers and pilot technicians. The company has two ROVs robots, with which it makes underwater inspections and studies that meet the requirements of the client.
„ХИДРОМАРИН" АД притежава плавателни средства, тежка механизация, голям автопарк, най-съвременната професионална водолазна техника и оборудване и висококвалифицирани екип с богат опит, които са гаранция за качественото изпълнение на сключените договори.
„ХИДРОМАРИН" АД е официален представител на:
We are confident in providing a very high standard for our services, performed by highly qualified and capable diving teams. Our team has a strong understanding of the equipment, techniques and systems needed to successfully provision of our services.
The customer pays to get the best results without wasting time. That is why we offer just that. After the subsequent underwater inspection of the scope of work, it is agreed with the contracting authority and it will ensure this extension of the activity. Our many years of experience with a wide range of underwater repairs allows us to make an accurate estimate of the time required to perform underwater activities.
Underwater inspections are a major part of ship repairs. Using the advantage of the latest technologies and know-how, "Hydroremont IG" offers its customers unique diving services for monitoring the hull of ships. This gives the shipowners full control over the underwater part of the hull and the underwater equipment of the vessel. This allows for an adequate decision to be taken in the follow-up. Identifying problems at an early stage would save a lot of costs in the long run.